Saturday 30 October 2010

A Drippy but Beautiful Saturday

I just had a great Saturday a.m. with my youngest son. Kenneth invited me to have breakfast with him at his place in Corvallis. He had gone to the store before 8 to pick up fresh muesli, bananas and turkey bacon with no preservatives or additives. What a son!!!! :)

After breakfast we joined some friends at the Farmer's Market before Kenneth had his Starbucks shift at 11. I cherish these moments with my adult kids. I don't think I could be more blessed!

Saturday 23 October 2010

My Saturday Morning

I have been musing over things of life this a.m. My world as I once knew it is changing for me. My kids are scattered from Sydney, Australia to Portland and Corvallis. I don't think I ever really prepared myself for the 'empty nest'. I know what I miss more than anything is not having meaningful conversation or someone to bounce ideas off. My dear sister-inlaw, Helen, suggested a blog, so here it is.

I just finished a book by Armand Nicholi...The Question of God. Nicholi has taken stories and quotes from CS Lewis and Sigmund Freud. It's an insightful read....
(Lewis) "believes the Creator is the source of all happiness and that most of the unhappiness and misery experienced over the centuries results from efforts to find happiness apart from that Source." He also says, "God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing."

The scripture I am holding onto this week is I Peter 5:7..."Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you."