Saturday, 19 July 2008

The End of the Third Week

July 19 finds this another beautiful day in Chatel. Today would have been my mother's 97th birthday. I am so thankful she is at home with Jesus this year. Life was getting tough for her, but she continued to be a blessing to those around her. Those who cared for my Mom told me two months after she died that they still missed her. I do too, and often think while I am having new adventures in Europe, "O, I need to tell Mom about this..."

We toured Geneva yesterday with our teacher this week, Joe Portale. It was an amazing trip and I kept thinking, "I can't believe I am actually walking the streets of Geneva!" It is a beautiful city filled with history. We saw the home of Jean Calvin, walked the streets he walked, and visited the church where he preached so boldly. Geneva is the home of the Protestant Reformation, the Red Cross and houses a branch of the United Nations.

This weekend, my work duty is to help with breakfast and dinner on Saturday and Sunday. After today, weekends will be free!!! I chose to get these duties out of the way. My hospitality duties will last for the next 2 1/2 months Monday through Friday. I continue to enjoy preparing the guest rooms and meeting the visitors that come through the area.

We were presented with the Fundamentals of Christianity this week. We also discussed the challenge God sets before us to trust Him even when we might not understand what is happening.

Next week, we will be visiting the YWAM bases in Burtigny and Lausanne. Our guest teacher will be sharing aspects of worship.

Blessings and Love,

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